Edinburgh and back to reality!

9 april 2016 - Edinburgh, Verenigd Koninkrijk

I was so lucky that I got to spend a whole 14 hours at home, (of which I spent about 8 sleeping) before I got on a taxi, train, another train, shuttle bus, plane, and another bus to Edinburgh. But how fantastic is that city! 

I only had to walk through the streets for an hour or so before I had fallen completely in love! It was not hard to see why so many artists, authors and musicians are from Edinburgh. I was travelling with my friend Tom, which was fantastic because I hadn't seen him in a year or so! The majority of the time we just walked through the streets looking at the buildings, the overwhelming amount of tweed-shops, odd-looking street performers and loads of little cafes, pubs and very tempting bakeries! We had to go to the Edinburgh castle, of course, but I hadn't properly acclimatised to the British weather yet, so quickly had to buy a pair of tweed gloves. (Because I don't want to freeze, right?)

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Right next to the castle we found the Elephant cafe, where J.K. Rowling wrote the first Harry Potter books. We had smuggled this amazing local fudge into the cafe with us, which we thoroughly enjoyed while having an fabulous view of the castle. Going into the toilets there was quite an adventure in itself, as literally every single square centimeter was covered with writing. The most amusing part though, was this Asian woman who spent over fifteen minutes in the toilets taking pictures and selfies, and who regularly asked other people to take a picture of her. However, I couldn't resist snapping a photo myself, as you can see. 

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I am so planning on coming back to this place. Both the old and the new town were gorgeous, the people were lovely and the atmosphere is buzzing! We got stopped a surprising amount of times by tourists asking us the way to a certain street. I guess I don't stand out as much as I did in Brazil, haha! I also got to test this Brazilian hang-over cure for the first time (Engov) after we stayed until close at this local pub not far from our AirBnB. And I am genuinely surprised by how well it works! Good thing I bought a year's supply of the stuff. 

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-Picture of our lovely room at the airBnB- 

So now I am back in Swansea, in the library to be precise, and it is time to get back into work mode. But these last three weeks are definitely gonna be hard to forget! I am absolutely sick of airports now though, so I am very happy I don't have to be at one anytime soon! 

Well, for another two weeks anyways.



1 Reactie

  1. Cokkie Giljamse:
    9 april 2016
    Geweldig. Moet zeker een belevenis zijn geweest. Edinburgh staat nog steeds op mijn lijstje ook. Love you